System Overview


Apart from the obvious payment of annual subscriptions it is each owners responsibility to:
  • Use the water wisely.

  • Inform the Committee of any abnormalities in the supply so that solutions can be found and fixed as early as possible.

  • To make sure that all connections on your property are well maintained and in working order, in other words our responsibility for connections stops at your gate. Please see under the Downloads section a list of local suppliers for emergency plumbing on your property. If the problem appears to be outside your fence.
Typical Restrictor


To ensure that all members receive equal water, restrictors have been installed at each lot entrance. The gauge should be 1.5mm diameter. Unfortunately there is a big difference to tap pressure recorded by members due to location on the estate. The ten allotments at the highest level do not have the advantage of gravity feeding so an auxiliary pressure pump to service these lots was installed to alleviate the poor pressure. Removal or tampering with the restrictor will incur a fine.

Lot 206 Red Brook Circle
Regal Hill, Morangup
Western Australia 6083
water not suitable for drinking


The Committee would like to advise members that due to Water Authorities regulations, all taps and outlets from the non-potable water supply be tagged with warning markers stating that the water is not suitable for drinking. Tags available on request from the Committee at small cost!